I often come across interesting articles online that I’ll share via social media. Sometimes Facebook. Sometimes Twitter. It depends on the article.
Sometimes, though, I don’t get around to sharing articles and they pile up in my Internet browser. So, I’m taking the lead from one of my favorite blogs and posting a round-up of articles I think are worth reading (or just fun reads).
9 Reasons to Go to DC Right Now from AFAR magazine. I’ve got to say that #1 is draw for me.
Transportation App Bridj has Bus-Sized Ambitions for DC from WAMU. So, this one I heard, rather than read, but I was intrigued by the concept enough to look it up online.
My Slower-Paced Blog by Micha Boyett. I discovered Micha during an Art of Simple podcast and quickly bookmarked this article to share later. As a newly published author, this paragraph from her post really resonated with me:
The truth was that writing a book was exhausting. I wept for the time I spent away from my kids. I wept for how out of control the rest of my life felt. I wept for the time I didn’t have to care for friends. I lived in a state of constant anxiety and shamefully passed that anxiety along to my children in our daily life.
As an introvert, this post on Becoming a Soul Minimalist by Emily P. Freeman also resonated with me.
And this post by Brooke McAlary.
And this one by Ed Cyzewski .
What resonated with you today?
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