On a recent training run for Saturday’s half marathon — my first — I described the opening scene from Raising Cubby to my running partner who works with special needs students.
“Yep, I have a student like that,” she responded. (I assume she was nodding in agreement but I tend to look at the road ahead when running.)
I was honestly baffled. This is a world I do not live in.
But, that’s also why I wanted to read this book. I wanted to understand it.
Alas, with training for a half marathon, working a full-time job and raising two food allergy kids (a different kind of special needs), I just haven’t had the time to read more than the first chapter.
What are you busy reading?
This post was inspired by Raising Cubby: A Father and Son’s Adventures with Asperger’s, Trains, Tractors, and High Explosives by John Elder Robison. Parenting is a challenging job, but what challenges does a parent with Asperger’s face? Join From Left to Write on March 12 as we discuss Raising Cubby. As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

I hope you find time to read the book. It’s worth it!
I think for the very reason of getting inside the head of someone with Asperger’s, this book is worth you finishing. I didn’t actually like the book, but I did appreciate the perspective. Good luck!!
I wanted to understand it too – beyond what I read about it in Wikipedia and on websites.
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