Running for a Cause

I set a new PR (personal record) earlier this month. I broke the 40 minute barrier! I ran the Wiggin’ Winter Dash in 39.30.

My brother-in-law asked me to join him in this race for juvenile diabetes research; he was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

We did not run together. He’s faster than me for one and I’m still trying to build my endurance back up after my pregnancy-induced running hiatus.

I did a combination of running and walking and I fully expected to cross the finish line in my usual 45 minutes.

But when I rounded the street corner to the final stretch, I could see that the time clock was still in the 30s. I couldn’t believe it! I sprinted for the finish line.

It was exhilarating! Not just because of the new PR but because I felt like I did something good for myself (exercise) and for the kids we were racing for (raising money for research).

This is one of the reasons I like running – I could care less about the medals. The three races I participated in this fall were all for a cause.

On Thanksgiving, I participated in my second Turkey Trot (photo above). The race supports the Way Station, a not-for-profit mental health organization. I love this event because its so family-oriented and non-competitive.

There were nearly 3000 participants this year, many of them parents running with their children or pushing their babies in strollers. There were also lots of people on the sidewalks cheering everyone on. My clock time was 45.24, chip time 42.58.

Earlier in November, I ran the Red Run for the American Red Cross. My time was 46.56. Thankfully, I’m improving. Now I just need to keep up the running through the winter months. The spring 5K season will be here soon.

Why do you run?

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