I was bitten by the travel bug at a young age. I like the adventure of going somewhere new. If money were no object, my husband and I would pack up our family and travel the world. Well, at least to the more popular, more developed parts of it; we’re not that adventurous. I’ve always wanted to drive across the United States. I had the opportunity several years ago but couldn’t find a traveling companion – no one had the luxury of time that I did then. I regret not going because I don’t see that opportunity happening again anytime soon. I regret that I didn’t pursue that dream when I had a chance. I regret that I let fear hold me back. I recently started reading The Unexpected Circumnavigation about a couple who spent two years traveling the world by boat – you can see how I was intrigued by the premise. Here was a couple who combined their dreams – she wanted to travel the world, he wanted to live on a boat – and went after it. I admire their gumption. And I admire that they didn’t … [Read more...]