Since my son is allergic to milk and eggs (among other foods), I turn to vegan recipes to make bake goods. For birthdays, I usually use the Divvies cupcake recipe. It’s easy, delicious and a crowd-pleaser with the littles. My first attempt – the toddler’s first birthday cake – was not such a crowd-pleaser (that was before I discovered Divvies). It was very dense, more like bread than cake. Fortunately, he was more interested in the icing – a vegan buttercream that I adapted from the cake class I took earlier that year (delicious but not conducive to making buttercream roses because it’s too soft). For his birthday this year, I wanted to make something different. So, I cracked open Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Lots of yummy options but I decided to make the “Sexy Low-Fat Vanilla Cucpakes.” The name didn’t scream toddler birthday party but I had the ingredients on hand and could work the Fourth of July theme into them easily. And … [Read more...]