I have a confession. Two, actually.
I hate coconut. Its the texture. I don’t like it at all. I want to like it because I like the smell but I can’t stand it.
So when I came across a recipe for a dairy-free snack bar that called for coconut oil, I groaned.
Yuck, coconut.
But I decided to make it anyway and when I went to the store to buy coconut oil – and here’s confession #2 – I had no idea what I was looking for.
I looked up and down the baked goods aisle and all I could find was coconut extract.
That’s the same, right?
I made the No Bake Chocolate Chip Flax n’ Oat Bars with the extract and it wreaked of coconut. And didn’t hold together at all.
Then I learned about Tropical Traditions and realized exactly what coconut oil is. Boy, was I off base. Coconut Oil is like shortening in its thickness but more transparent and it definitely smells like coconut.
A friend of mine was raving about the coconut oil deodorant she had made and how she also liked using the oil as a moisturizer, so I thought I might give it a second chance.
First, I emailed the folks at Tropical Traditions to make sure it was allergy-friendly. I had already gone to the local organic market and discovered that most of the coconut oils on the shelves are made in facilities that also process nuts. Not so for Tropical Traditions. Their facility is dedicated solely to their coconut products. (And in case you are wondering, coconut isn’t actually a nut. Its a seed.)
When I received a jar of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, I decided to try that oat bar again. Big difference. And like they claim on their website, you don’t taste the coconut when you bake it.
Next, I used the oil to make allergy-friendly buckeyes. I could taste the coconut in the chocolate covered Sunbutter balls but just barely.
I might try the coconut oil deodorant since my friend swears by it but I’m not sure yet. I’m kind of afraid of the “transition period.” In the meantime, I’m on the lookout for other ways to utilize this product.
Would you like to try Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil for yourself? Just tweet the following: I just entered to win a free quart of @TropTraditions Coconut Oil via @SLDMorgan at http://itsmytimetowrite.com/2010/10/coconut-confession/. Then leave a comment here telling me you tweeted about the giveaway. Or, if you’re not on Twitter, leave a comment here telling me why you love coconut oil. I’ll choose a winner at random by October 15.
You can also order your own complimentary copy of their Virgin Coconut Oil book by participating in their Referral Program. When you choose “Referred by a Friend” and enter 6522795 with your first online order, the book will be automatically added to your order and you will receive a coupon good for complimentary products for each referral made.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
Congratulations to Holly on winning the giveaway from Tropical Traditions. I used Random.org to select a random number from the total number of comments.
That total number included my own comments, with the exception of my final comment congratulating Holly. If one of my comments had been selected, I would have generated a new number.
Comments are now closed as this giveaway has ended. Thank you to all who entered and shared their love for coconut oil!

I just tweeted!! http://twitter.com/pilateschik/status/26659282229
I didn’t tweet because I don’t do Twitter, but if I did, I would have! Anyway, I’m a huge fan of coconut oil — I love that it starts out like shortening, turns oily when you rub it in your hands, but then seems to dry quickly. It smells great, too. (And I’ll eventually wear you down about the deodorant thing…)
Congrats on winning the giveaway!
I don’t need a free sample to try, because I already order this wonderful product! I just wanted to say how much I absolutely LOVE coconut oil. I do however, prefer their Green Label, it has a more consistent odor and flavor of the coconut oil. I think the best is brushed on grilled chicken and also hash browns with s&p & rosemary (and everything else really). Also, take the time to read the FAQ on their website and learn the difference between the oils. I like that the Green label is cold pressed, virgin, whereas if you want no flavor or odor at all you can get the expeller-pressed instead. Also, the oil doesn’t taste like coconut when you cook with it but for some reason it does when you bake with it. You may also find the “fat” content high, look a little closer and learn the kinds of fats in coconut oil and learn the difference between healthy and bad fats. Coconut is one of the best things for your body and can be used for a plethora of things inside and outside the body.
Enjoy your new found superfood that has been revered by tropical people for thousands of years.
p.s. I LOVE my coconut deodorant, but it can be a bit crumbly, I’m going to add softened beeswax to my next batch to curb that.
Thanks for that information Mistie! I’m going to look into it more.
I tweeted:
Love this stuff!
TWeeted: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/26671083281
I too, love coconut oil. I learned about it from my sister,the health food guru. It is SO good for you, which is part of why I love it. –Give a spoonful to your dog once in awhile, it’s also good for them. I could eat it like butter. Fried anything–but especially potatoes and sweet potatoes–smell and taste like heaven when cooked in Coconut oil. Good in granola–the aroma coming from the oven is so good you almost can’t stand it. I also rub it on my hands, when I am cooking and use a spoon to spoon it in, I rub the spoon with my fingers to get every last drop. The only thing I could think of not to love is that is costs more. However, I can’t stop loving it for that reason, because it has helped me find more joy in life. That’s priceless!
I might have to try using it with potatoes.Thanks for the suggestion!
I love coconut and would love to win!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/kmogilevski/status/26689875559
kmogilevski at gmail dot com
I love coconut oil because the excellent book by Dr. Bruce Fife “The Coconut Oil Miracle” solidly convinced me of it’s many benefits. Not all fats are the same; not all saturated fats are the same; not all saturated fats are bad for you. This book convincingly demolishes these myths and tells the truth that the soybean and corn industries don’t want us to know about healthy oils. I now use coconut oil instead of butter on my toast and muffins, for cooking and stir-fry meals, and lots of other uses internal and external for the body. I especially like it on popcorn instead of butter or some other unhealthy oil.
I agree with you about soy and corn — scary stuff! I’ll have to check out that book.
I’m loving all the tips everyone is sharing. Thanks for yours too!
I tweeted! I’ve been trying to decide whether or not to order this (seems a little pricey), but if I could try it and know that it was not yucky, then I would spend the money for all the health benefits I keep reading about!
I will tell you that its a HUGE jar. It’ll last you awhile.
I love coconut oil but have never tried Tropical Traditions.
Bruce, I’ll have to find that book. I’ve also read a lot of info on coconut being safer then canola and other oils, but the books sounds great! Thanks for the tip!
i just tweeted!!! i am starting to use coconut oil alot due to dibetic, so far i like everything i fix w/coconut oil its amazing!
I am not on twitter but I loooove coconut oil. I am slowly learning just how versatile it is. I love sauteeing vegetables in it, I have used it in various vegan or raw recipes to hold nuts and other ingredients together, I have yet to use it on my skin but look forward to it. I became interested in it because I have thyroid issues. I would love to have another jar to experiment with!
@Shannon and Vicky,
More on the book… another reason I like it so much is because he was skeptical at first. The research and the facts turned him around. He’s not selling or promoting anything. Just reporting the facts. And it’s all documented research with footnotes and his sources, etc. It’s very readable and easy to follow. You can find it on Amazon.com for less than $10 used! Here’s a link:
Hopefully you can copy and paste that into your browser.
Regarding Tropical Traditions, I buy all my coconut oil and other products from them. I’ve had excellent service, never an error, and when things are on sale, you can’t beat the price.
I guess I could also add that since I cleaned my house out of all the other unhealthy oils and started using coconut oil, I lost over 20 lbs. Coconut oil doesn’t go into your fat cells and add weight to your body like other oils. It goes straight to the liver where it’s metabolized and turned into energy. This is all documented in the book and I can attest to its’ accuracy. It worked for me!
I read the comments from Contest Queen,and now I really want to try and win the coconut oil. gee,I did not know coconut was a seed. I also subscribe to the newsletters,both contestqueen ,and this websites.Also,I liked the product on Facebook. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks! 705 7493028
tweeted: http://twitter.com/downeastah1/status/26944088297
I just tweeted for your given away! (https://twitter.com/declareduntohim) And I love the TT coconut oil! In fact I am out and it’s a bummer right now!
Andi recently posted..TOBY – Homeschool Highlights- 2010
I love coconut oil for its texture.