Couch to 5K Week Two

I’m one run into the second week.

I feel good that I’m continuing through the program but I am worried that I won’t be ready by Race #2. I have seven weeks to go and eight weeks left in the program.

I guess there’s a reason I didn’t major in math.

Part of me thinks I can make up the time if I’m diligent about running every other day but the realist in me knows that won’t happen. I have to keep going, though. I have to complete this program.

Today’s run was good. It reminded me why I like to run. It clears my head. I was feeling overwhelmed before my run. Afterwards, I felt more focused. When I run, its just me against the pavement, one foot at a time, and the C25K app and iTunes on my iTouch coaching me along.

Warm up

Run then Walk, Run then Walk, Run

Cool down

In week two, the running time extends from one minute to a minute and a half. The walks are longer, too. There are just less of both. I felt like I was running farther and faster, although, I doubt I was. I don’t care about speed, anyways. I just want to completely run a 5k this year. Maybe I should look for a third race to run in December.

What do you think?

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  1. You are doing fan-flipping-tastic. So proud of you!
    JenniferG recently posted..Happy Anniversary To My Hubby!My Profile

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