More specifically, she wants to know what inspires me to write. That’s one of the prompts for this week’s writing workshop.
Both are easy – and hard – questions to answer.
I write because I love it, even though it’s painful at times .
I write because its part of my being. Sometimes I need to write like I need to breathe.
I write because I enjoy the creative process.
I write because sometimes its easier to say what I mean on paper than out loud.
I write because its who I am and who I’ve been since the age of eight.
I’m inspired by stories, mine and others.
I’m inspired by events and experiences.
I’m inspired by issues that are important to me.
I’m inspired by beauty in the world around me.
I’m inspired by each and every friend and family member who cheers me on and asks, “So when are you going to write the next great American novel?”
Why do you write? What inspires you?

Writing is an awesome way to express yourself.
VandyJ recently posted..Writers Workshop-Reliving a Moment
Having a cheering sections really does help! I love your list. Especially this sentence, “Sometimes I need to write like I need to breathe.” Yes! Amen! Thanks for stopping by!
I think many of us can identify with your reasons for writing. It’s great that you do have a cheering section for encouragement. Maybe if THEY think you should write a novel, you SHOULD!
Thanks for sharing today! Stopping by via Mama Kat’s!
You and I write for exactly the same reasons…great list!
Stopping by from Mama Kat’s
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