I’ve been a blog slacker this week. Well, at my own blog, at least. I’ve been busy with the Maryland Life blog. Check out my latest post here. Vacation is my excuse, even though it was a short one, and work, too. We just sent the magazine off to the printer yesterday.
My blog slacking got me to thinking about my goals for this blog, which got me to thinking about my personal goals. I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions – I usually prefer to set yearly goals on my birthday – but this year I did. I made three New Year’s Resolutions and now I think it’s time to revisit them.
Run a 5K
I am not a runner. I’ve never been much of an athlete. But I signed up for Francie’s Family 5K in March anyway. I got three weeks into training and the blizzards hit. I ended up just walking that race. I tried again in April and, through a combination of running and walking, I completed the Cupcake 5K in just under 45 minutes. But I want to run a 5K in its entirety. I haven’t been running this summer because it’s just too hot. So, I found a race in the fall, on Thanksgiving to be exact, and I’m going to start training next month.
Pursue My Writing
This resolution probably wasn’t as specific as it should have been but so far I’m exceeding my own expectations. In January, I had no idea that I would launch my own blog in May and that I would actively start working on a novel again (more on that in the coming weeks). I still have a lot to do as far as the blog goes – I think we need a little one-on-one time to figure our relationship out – but I’m excited about it.
Get Organized
This one was more for work but also pertains to my home life. And to be honest, I don’t think I’m organized at either. I haven’t even made much of an attempt. I did have to do some organizing when I moved my office home but I haven’t unpacked the boxes from my office or my home (we moved to a new house this year too). I’m hoping I can tackle some of it this weekend, actually. I’m tired of all the cardboard and the unsettled feeling it gives me. Life often has other plans so I’ll just do what I can and may be set more specific goals when my birthday rolls around.
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions this year? Have you kept them?

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