Treeting Myself

Saturday was all about taking time for me. I planned it that way. Weeks ago, I booked an appointment at a local day spa to use a gift certificate my husband gave me for Christmas and I RSVPed for the second Momz Share event. What’s Momz Share,  you ask? Its an initiative started by Jennifer Gerlock and Lara DiPaolo to create networking events for bloggers – essentially an opportunity to meet fellow bloggers offline. It was a fabulous opportunity for this newbie blogger to meet other women with a similar passion, like the event’s hostess, Jessica. I was also delighted to meet Theresa Luongo Pinelli, the chief sweetness officer (don’t you just love that title?) of Treet.  Theresa is passionate about using fresh ingredients from local farms to bake miniature cupcakes and other sweet treats. She also makes gluten-free and vegan (i.e. no milk, no eggs) goodies to perfection – a skill this food allergy mom/wannabe baker greatly admires. But if you’re not into baking and looking for a … [Read more...]