I recently read The Costume Trunk by Bob Fuller, a children’s book about a little girl who discovers a magical costume trunk that takes her and her friends to the imaginary world of Paddywhack Lane where they can be whoever they imagine to be. It reminded me of the costume trunk I played with as a child.
Ok, it wasn’t a trunk.
It was a drawer in my grandmother’s dresser full of shawls and costume jewelry.
It was pink tutus and other dance outfits repurposed.
It was a blue flower girl dress that I wore in my uncle’s wedding. When it no longer fit, we dyed it purple and my sister played dress up in it.
We pretended to be princesses, actresses, characters from our favorite books. We just had fun pretending.
My son has gotten to the age of pretend play and its so fun to watch. One day he’s a superhero flying around the house catching bad guys. Another day he puts on a pair of goggles and pretends to be an ocean diver. I love seeing his imagination at work and look forward to the pretend worlds we’ll travel to together.
Who does your child pretend to be?
As a member of the From Left to Write Book Club, I received a copy of the book for free. This post is not intended as a review.

How lovely that you had that drawer at your grandmother’s! It’s so fun to see what kids imagine with only a few props.
Lovely memories! And great to see that your son is carrying on the tradition.